10 Expert Tips to Prevent Ingrown Hair

10 Expert Tips to Prevent Ingrown Hair

If you are someone who regularly waxes or shaves to get rid of unwanted body hair, you are sure to be familiar with ingrown hairs. These tiny annoying bumps look similar to pimples, resulting in itching and skin irritation.

But what exactly causes the ingrown hairs? When a hair follicle is trapped under the skin and starts growing there itself, it gives rise to ingrown hair. While these are usually harmless, ingrown hair can lead to inflammation and even leave scars if not appropriately handled.
If you are struggling with this issue, you would be glad to know that you can reduce the possibility of ingrown hairs by following a few simple steps. To help you out, below are some expert tips that would help prevent ingrown hairs from showing up on your skin.

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1. Regular exfoliation can help

Exfoliation can help you eliminate dead skin cells that may otherwise block hair follicles to give rise to ingrown hairs. Make sure to exfoliate regularly, especially in the areas with ingrown hairs – this can help loosen up the hair trapped under your skin.

2. Use a sharp razor

If you are wondering how to avoid ingrown hairs, changing your razor might help. Using a blunt razor can irritate your skin and increase the risk of getting ingrown hair.

3. Ensure the correct shaving technique

Reverse shaving (or waxing) can increase the risk of getting ingrown hairs. Therefore, make sure to always shave in even strokes along the direction of hair growth and not against it.

4. Moisturizing is essential

Ingrown hairs are caused when the hair shaft penetrates the skin and grows along its surface. Keeping your skin moist and hydrated can help soften the hair, making it incapable of penetrating the skin. Make it a habit to moisturize your skin with a cream or lotion every time you shave or wax.

5. Wear loose clothing

Wearing tight clothing after shaving or waxing your skin can increase your chances of getting ingrown hairs. This is especially true if you have ingrown hair on your legs, as tight jeans or trousers will only worsen the situation.

6. Use sterilized tweezers

If the ingrown hair is very close to the skin surface, you can use a needle or tweezers to loosen it. But, make sure to sterilize the tool you are using. Otherwise, it can lead to infection around the bump.

7. Avoid dry shaving

While dry shaving may seem a quicker process, it is a major cause of ingrown hair. Make sure to thoroughly clean the area to be shaved and apply a shaving cream or gel before using the razor.

8. Don’t stretch the skin while shaving

Avoid stretching your skin while shaving as it enables the tips to shrink into the skin, causing ingrown hair.

9. Never try to squeeze the bumps

Popping or squeezing the ingrown hair increases the chances of infection and may even result in ugly scars. Therefore, it’s best to avoid picking on it. Instead, you could use a cream or ointment recommended by your dermatologist for ingrown hair treatment.

10. Look out for signs of inflammation

If you notice signs of inflammation, it’s best to take dermatological advice for dealing with the infected ingrown hair.

If the tips mentioned above fail to help you with your ingrown hair problems, it’s worth consulting an experienced dermatologist. Also, if you are wondering how to get rid of ingrown hair permanently, opting for laser hair removal might help. At Jo’s Skin Revive, our team of dermatologists is ready with the perfect solution for all your hair and skin problems. Book an appointment with our experts today!

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